Help Kids Recognize God's Gracious Invitation

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Mary was the first – the very first to hear His name.

For decades, God’s people waited for the Messiah. We can almost hear the debates that took place at the synagogues as well as in the fishing boats. They speculated about when He would come and where He would come. And His name? Certainly people had their guesses. But Mary was the first to actually hear it.

You must name Him Jesus. – Luke 1:31

Jesus. Of course. “The one true God saves.” What other name could it be?

With wide eyes, Mary soaked in the plan, and in the quiet of her meager home, she knew the secret that scholars had debated for centuries. Who could have imagined: Almighty God entrusted a humble girl with not only this news, but with the very life of the newborn Messiah. There would be no hospital, no doctor, and not even her mother at her side–only an inexperienced young carpenter named Joseph. But God would be with them.

Mary was no one special. She wasn’t royalty; she wasn’t rich or famous. But the angel assured her that God was pleased with her. Hebrews 11:6 explains that faith–believing God–is what pleases Him. Mary’s faith was astounding; her response was total submission to God (Luke 1:35-38).

Mary’s life is intertwined with Joseph, Elizabeth and Zechariah, and the shepherds. They were simple people of faith who learned first-hand that God graciously invites people who believe in Him to be a part of His plan. This is a beautiful truth you can pass on to your kids through our Christmas lessons. We don’t earn our way into His plan. We don’t trust in our own strength. We simply believe the Lord and say “yes” when He calls.